Week 1 of Astronaut Training!
Tuesday was aerobics for our Astronaut Exercise, and we decided to jump rope. She struggles getting the rope into a complete swing, but she kept trying! After school she did some more Russian - our goal now is 100 experience points each day. Astronaut Academics was a treat this afternoon: The Oklahoma Hall of Fame was hosting a virtual program about Oklahoma astronauts! Ivy was the only person who attended the program for that particular session, so the facilitator was kind enough to engage Ivy regularly throughout the program.
Thursday! Almost done with the week. Our Astronaut Exercise was weightlifting, but since Ivy is only 8 year old, she couldn't safely lift the weights, so we did all of our exercises with her using full ketchup bottles, then we did the exercises again with her holding the weight-less shafts, using the discs to mark positions on the floor. She is becoming pretty proud of her Russian skills for only being four days in. Our Astronaut Academics for today will be exploring the #ObserveTheMoon pages on the NASA website and drawing astronomy-related pictures. #ObserveTheMoon happens this weekend, September 26th, but she will be hanging out with her dad all day Saturday (who is graciously giving me some much-needed quiet time!), so we will just celebrate today and Friday. Friday's Astronaut Exercise will be games - this gives Ivy an opportunity to lead our exercises so that she feels a bit of ownership over the training. We enjoyed the "Mission Control" balance activity on the "Train like an Astronaut" series from KidsActivityDownloads.com as extra exercise on Monday, so we might use some other videos in the series for our Friday exercise games. Friday is also our experiments day for Astronaut Academics, and we will probably finish exploring the solar system kit that we started on Monday, as well as continuing our #ObserveTheMoon research.
On the whole, Astronaut Training has been fun and easy to incorporate into our daily routine. I'm a planner, so obviously I over-scheduled it on paper, but when it came down to executing the plan it was very easy to just go with the flow (probably because I also plan "buffer time" into my activity slots!). We are doing well with lightly structured exercise in the morning (no fixed amount of time, just doing things til we are done) and one reading/watching/doing activity in the afternoons, with 15 minutes (or less) of Russian where we can fit it. I am optimistic about our Astronaut Training, and I can't wait til our Astronaut Training next week!
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